Arbejder din organisation med eller mod voksnes udvikling?

"If you come to recognise that ultimately an organisation will only go as far as it’s people will take it, then you need to start thinking about: how do I create a culture that will optimally support the ongoing development of all of our people? I think the most forward looking organisations are those that recognise that a good organisation in a certain way needs to be (..) a place for the learning of adults to support their development".

Prof. Robert Kegans tænkning inspirerer i disse år flere og flere af AGORAs samarbejdspartnere. Måske fordi vi i AGORA snakker om den så snart vi får mulighed herfor :-)

Se med i dette lille klip, hvor Kegan forklarer om hvordan organisationer er dannelsesarenaer for udvikling af selvstændighed, ansvarlighed, og selv-forfattende mindsets.


Professor Robert Kegan discusses how initiative and the uptake of responsibility is the 'Self-Authoring Mind'.